Thursday, January 15, 2009


Politics are only for adults and young kids should have nothing to do with that.

I agree with this statement, because young people don't know a lot about politics, and are not mature enough to have a right opinion about politics. Old people know what's best for their country's politics, and know the right person to vote for when there are elections. Young children don't know what's the right thing to believe in and they get easily influenced by what other people say, and so I believe that politics is clearly a thing for adults and mature people.

All people can be happy.

I agree because I believe that if you don't allow your problems take you down, then you can be happy. Of course, it is not possible for a person to be happy at all times and have things done the way he wants to. My opinion is that if people learn to ignore little things that make them feel sad and really bad, then I am sure that all people can be happy.

1 comment:

returntonormalcy16 said...

Hey, I'm rather young, but have a vast knowledge of politics. I have valid opinions on globalization, energy resources, military aide, the axis of evil, religious wars, America and fundamental Islam, war in the middle east, Israel and Palestine, etc. It appears you need to learn the fundamental rule of politics: think before you speak.